My Take on PvZ Scaling Updated

Hey, this is a follow up post for a post I made discussing PvZ scaling. My friend u/AdamTheMango helped me with this, and there’s a LOT more stuff to talk about here. 

For starters, we’ll mainly be focusing on Plants. Zombie Haxes won’t really be discussed, but their stats and resistances will, as they should be shared between the two. Plant Hax will be touched on and discussed however.

Plant Haxes are unique, as some are abilities Plants share, while others are abilities specific Plants have. I’ll note when we get into Haxes that Plants naturally have and ones that are specific to certain Plants. These specific abilities can be assessed by the Plant who has them obviously, but also the Plant Heroes.

As for why, in the PvZ Games, it’s established that Plant Heroes such as Peashooter or Siper Brainz are called able of summoning other Plants to use in combat. 

This is shown in the PvZ Garden Warfare Games, where Plant Heroes can spawn plants to use in battle, as well as PvZ Heroes, which lets the Plant Hero summon Plants to use and fight for them.

This should also extend towards the Plants throughout the first 2 PvZ Games, as several of the Plants Heroes can spawn in the Shooters also appear in PvZ 1 and 2, and there’s no reason to believe that he can’t spawn any of the Plants in PvZ 1 and 2 as they’ve already shown the capacity to spawn Plants from those games.

Check out that last post first so I won’t have to reexplain things I already explained there, such as why the Plants and Zombies scale to the Gnomes, and why the Plasma Pea feats are valid. So with that said, let’s get started. 


Betcha didn’t think we were gonna touch on this? Plants vs. Zombies does indeed have a cosmology. This cosmology consists of a standard 4D space time continuum, as is with most verses, as well as the Gnomiverse, which exists beyond the standard space time continuum.

However, while the standard space time continuum may be 4D, that doesn’t automatically make the Gnomiverse 5D, or Low Complex Multiversal as existing beyond space time doesn’t automatically mean it infinitely transcends it to the point of being a separate dimension.

However, it’s not completely out of the question either. The idea of inter-dimensionality is a common one in the PvZ cosmology, as shown by the descriptions of the Interdimensional and Teleportation Zombies, which both confirm separate dimensional spaces exist in the PvZ cosmology.

Not to mention Zomboss explicitly describes Infinity Time as possessing infinite energy. This could very likely be in regards to that of the standard space time continuum, and support the idea of Infinity Time infinitely transcending the main cosmology to be 5D.  

However, we both aren’t too sure whether or not we buy Infinity Time being 5D, so you can take what we said and interpret it for yourselves. So in conclusion, the Plants vs. Zombies cosmology has a 4D space time continuum as well as the Gnomiverse, which can be argued to be either vaguely above 4D or outright 5D/Low Complex Multiversal. 


  • Super Brainz punched Super Bean so hard it created an explosion visible from space. (35 Teratons, Country Level) ((This calc will never leave me))
  • Zomboss tanked the Hero-Tron 5000 blowing up in his face. (1.5 Petatons, Continent Level)
  • The Zombies can survive crashing into planets while piloting Meteor Z
  • Cozmic Brainz builds his strength by lifting entire planets 
  • The Plants are capable of destroying a Giant Magnet capable of disrupting the Earth’s orbit to put it in a permanent lunar eclipse. (103.7 to 633 Zettatons, Planet Level)
  • Gnomes can fart black holes (Jesus Christ…)
  • Gnomes can use galaxies as cushion protectors 
  • Plasma Pea can fire peas which contain entire Universes unto themselves, containing infinite possibilities and the very fabric of space and time (4D/Universal+)
  • Gnomes can hold space and time in their pockets (4D/Universal+)
  • The Infinity Time Mechs can survive being hit by Singularities for prolonged periods of time, which rapidly breakdown space time. (4D/Universal+)
  • Party Citron partied so hard he ripped open the fabric of time and traveled back to the Battle of Zomburbia. (4D/Universal+)
  • The Gnomes time destabilizers can destabilize time. (4D/Universal+)
  • Plants, Zombies, and Infinity Time Mechs can survive the Space Time continuum collapsing around them, clearly take damage, and survive it. (4D/Universal+)

  • Plasma Peas attacks are described as containing universes, as in plural, which could imply each pea contains multiple different universes and space time continuums. (4D/Universal+, Debatably Multiversal+, debatable as peas is also listed as plural, so it could refer to either the peas individually or as a whole)
  • The Gnomes live in the Gnomiverse and Infinity Time, which exists beyond the space time continuum (4D/Universal+, debatably 5D/Low Complex Multiversal)
  • A group of Party Agents partied so hard they entered the Gnomiverse (4D/Universal+, debatably 5D/Low Complex Multiversal)
  • Zombie tech such as the Escape Through Time runs the risk of unraveling the fabric of reality, which would include the full cosmology of PvZ (4D/Universal+ debatably 5D/Low Complex Multiversal)


  • All-Stars can move fast enough to ignite themselves (Mach 12.17)
  • Super Brainz punched a bean to Earth in about two seconds (0.64 SoL)
  • Zombies can dodge beams from Laser Beans and Sunflowers, the former of which attacks portrays traits of light attacks (Move in straight lines, burn instead of exploding, are visible when they hit walls, and are literally described as lasers) and the latter explicitly attacks with lasers made from sunlight,
  • Jester Zombies can react to, catch, and redirect lasers from Magnifying Grass which use lasers drawn from the sunlight.
  • Cozmic Brainz moved from the view of a telescope to the earth in a matter of seconds. The average telescope can see 2.5 million light years, Cozmic moves from there to earth in about 3 seconds. 2.5 million light years times 20 to get a minute, times 60 to get an hour, is 1.76358756e22 mph (26,297,999,225,264.03 times the speed of light)
  • Many zombies are capable of piloting spacecraft during interstellar and even intergalactic travel in an unclear, but likely short time period. These galaxies can spans as wide as 35 galaxies, likely more.
  • Plasma Pea fires peas that expand and twirl into Universes containing infinite possibilities and the very fabric of space-time. As these peas contain the very fabric of space and time, this should be infinite in speed. (Infinite/Immeasurable)
  • The Gnomes have counted to infinity and experienced multiple infinities before, and have even got bored from it. As this would require them to react and perceive infinity, this would mean their reactionary speeds are infinite (Infinite/Immeasurable 
  • Gnomes can hold the fabric of space and time in their own pockets (Infinite/Immeasurable) 
  • Party Citron partied so hard he ripped through the very fabric of time and went to a different period. (Infinite/Immeasurable)
  • Plasma Peas peas exist in supersition allowing them to exist in multiple states in time at once and have multiple different probabilities. (Infinite/Immeasurable)


  • Summoning (By use of Planting other Plants) 
  • Stat Amplification (Various Stat Altering Plants and Abilities such as Plant Foods, Upgrades in BfN, and Embiggen)
  • Immortality, Types 3 and 4 (Plant Heroes can canonically respawn as shown by Armor Chomper’s description which is supported by Zombies such as Cozmic Brains having the canonical ability to prevent Plants from reviving other Plants and forcing them to Respawn, which is also in his description)
  • Resurrection (With Intensive Carrots, Self Revives and Team Retries in the Garden Warfare Ops mode, Plant Heroes can revive other Plant Heroes)
  • Low Godly Regeneration (Intensive Carrots can revive Ghost Peppers, which are spirits. Plant Heroes can respawn after being destroyed by Cozmic Brainz, leaving nothing left of them. Wizard’s Dust and Echoes ability does the same, leaving nothing left of Plants, yet their ability to respawn is still intact)
  • Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm beings which show intangible properties, such as ghosts)
  • Acausality (Plants of the future can regularly interact with Plants of the past, including Plants that are prehistoric versions of themselves, as shown by PvZ 2. Rose and Citron also support this, being Plants from the past and future respectively, who can interact with Plants of other periods without any effect)
  • Type 7 Immortality Negation (Can kill undead beings such as Zombies, Vampires, and Ghosts)
  • Invincibility (Plant Food grants temporary invincibility for those who use it) 
  • This is where the abilities that specific Plants posses begin
  • Transmutation (Imp Pears turn Zombies into Imps, Witch Hazel turns Zombies into Puff Shrooms, Rose can turn Zombies into Goats)
  • Force Fields (Various Plants such as Infi-Nut and Citron can summon these, as well as the Force Field card) 
  • Mind Manipulation (Hypno Shroom & Caulipower, both of which can hypnotize Zombies) 
  • Void Manipulation/BFR (Shadow Pea & Grim Rose each drag Zombies into a dark void, instantly killing them)
  • Size Manipulation (With Shrinking Violet which can shrink Zombies, and Embiggen, which can grow Plants)
  • Fire Manipulation (Via Fire Plants)
  • Ice Manipulation (Via Ice Plants)
  • Air Manipulation (Via Air Plants)
  • Water Manipulation (Via Water Plants)
  • Electricity Manipulation (Via Electricity Plants)
  • Darkness Manipulation (Via Darkness Plants)
  • Light Manipulation (Via Light/Sun Plants
  • Earth (Via Plants being… Y’know… connected to the earth)
  • Poison Manipulation (Via Poison Plants) 
  • Gravity Manipulation (Gravitrees control gravity and can move Zombies around)
  • Matter Manipulation (Dark Matter Dragonfruit likely attacks with Dark Matter, and Shadow Flowers very explicitly does attack with it. Dark matter, breaks down the bonds of atoms and molecules)
  • Sound Manipulation (Bluesberry can attack with sound)
  • Damage Transferal (Soul Patch can transfer damage done to the Plant Hero to himself.)
  • Invincibility (Force Field grants immunity to damage)
  • Time Manipulation (Thyme Warp and Hocus Crocus warps Zombies back in time to the start of the lawn. Rose possesses the ability to travel through time)
  • Attack Nullification (Wing Nut can prevent Zombies from doing bonus attacks)
  • Healing (Through many, MANY means mainly being other Plants such as Sunflower or Heavenly Peach and various self upgrades from BfN)
  • Explosion Manipulation (Regular attacks and various explosive Plants) 
  • Fart Manipulation (Chili Beans cause Zombies to fart when eaten. The official name for this Hax is Fragrance Manipulation, but calling it Fart Manipulation is funnier so I’m going with that) 
  • Limited Power Nullification and Law Manipulation (Plants with Bullseye do not trigger the Super Block Meter, which blocks incoming attacks and gives the Zombie player an ability to use. Plants can remove the Zombies abilities to use Tricks, such as Brainana. Chomper’s goop prevents Zombies from using their abilities, though they can still perform basic attacks)
  • Paralysis Inducement (Chomper’s Super Sticky Goop and Spikeweeds can completely immobilize Zombies)
  • Spatial Manipulation (Hocus Crocus can shatter spatial location and instantly teleport Zombies to the back of the lawn)
  • Precognition (Rose foresaw a future full of Zombies)
  • Layered Transmutation (Royal Hypno Flowers Goatify is permanent, and can only be removed with certain items. Zombie Heroes have shown to only be temporarily effected by regular Goatifies, which normally permanently turn Zombies into Goats, or are outright immune to the effect, such as Z-Mechs)
  • Layered Time and Spatial Manipulation (Rose’s Time Snare distorts time and space, temporarily effecting Zombies, who have shown resistances towards the Escape Through Time, which causes temporal paradoxes to its targets. Zombies have shown to be able to move and interact in destabilized time. Rose’s Time Snare also effects Treasure Zombies and Boss Zombies, both of which resist the Hocus Crocus’s own Spatial Manipulation)


  • Fire Manipulation (Fire Plants are immune to the heat wave status effect, Ice Plants have shown the ability to put out fire)
  • Ice Manipulation (Fire Plants are immune to the cold, as are certain Ice Plants, Fire Plants can warm and thaw out Ice)
  • Death Manipulation and Durability Negation (Plant Heroes are immune to Tricks which insta-kill, and aren’t effected by Zombies with the trait Deadly, which insta kills other Plants.)
  • Mind Manipulation (Zombie Heroes can resist a Hypno Shroom’s effects, which normally hypnotize their target, only apply minor fatigue to them)
  • Time Manipulation (Can move and interact after in areas where time is destabilized by the Gnomes. Escape Through Time also applies temporal paradoxes, which the Zombies can withstand)
  • Transmutation (Zombie Heroes have shown to only be temporarily effected by regular Goatifies, which normally permanently turn Zombies into Goats, as shown in PvZ Heroes. Z-Mechs are completely immune to Goatify’s effects. Plant Heroes can withstand being hit by the Midas Tough Zombie, who turns everything he touches into goldfish, without being turned into a goldfish.)
  • Gravity Manipulation (Zombies can resist being trapped inside the Black Hole environment, with some being able to resist being moved by the Gravitree)
  • Matter Manipulation (Zombies can tank hits from Dark Matter Dragonfruit and Shadow Flowers, who should attack with dark matter, which breaks down the bonds of atoms and molecules, without any effect)
  • Either BFR or Existence Erasure (Plants can respawn after being hit by Cozmic Brainz, who normally leaves them unrevivable by “banishing” them. The description for Cozmic Brainz’s attack is somewhat vague, as it’s described as “Banishment” which could imply BFR, or it could be Existence Erasure as there is nothing left of them after doing so)
  • Either BFR or Existence Erasure (Plants can respawn after being hit by Cozmic Brainz, who normally leaves them unrevivable by “banishing” them. The description for Cozmic Brainz’s attack is somewhat vague, as it’s described as “Banishment” which could imply BFR, or it could be Existence Erasure as there is nothing left of them after doing so)
  • Umbrella Leaves can grant Plants the Untrickable status, which prevent Zombies from performing Tricks on them, which include the following Haxes…
  • Statistics Reduction, Death Manipulation, Summoning, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Size Manipulation, BFR, Wind Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Telepathy, Explosion Manipulation, Blunt Force, Broadway Force, Statistics Amplification, Teleportation, Animal Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Invulnerability, Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection, Death Manipulation, Durability Negation, Water Manipulation
  • Debatable Existence Erasure (Zombies can withstand going inside the Escape Through Time, which risks existence erasure on its targets. Debatable as the side effects are only possible, not guaranteed)
  • Debatable Soul Manipulation (Ghost Zombies, which are spirits, have withstood entering the Escape Through Time, which has side effects of erasing them from existence)
